Thread: Managing Lists
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Originally Posted by DamonC View Post
OO can store clickable URLs that would open Safari. I don't seem to be able to do this in OF, although the text of the URL can be stored, but then I have to copy and paste this into Safari.
If you put the URL into the attachments section of an action, it becomes clickable. URLs in the title are (currently?) just treated as text.

Originally Posted by DamonC View Post
I had a list for Reading/Research which would contain books to read and web pages to read. [...] How are you managing these types of lists or are you keeping them outside of OF? I don't want to have to use to separate lists for things like this.
I was also keeping lists inside OF but stopped because they were cluttering my view of stuff I needed to do. I had movies I'd like to see, books to read, places to eat, etc.

I use Journler for keeping those lists. I generally drop them into OF first when I think about it (ubiquitous capture!) and on my reviews move them into Journler; I use their smart folder hierarchy to manage things, so my "Places to..." folder has subfolders called "... eat", "... visit", etc.

I just like the app, btw, no involvement in any way.