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It turns out we have some stale code in our OmniAppKit framework which references the private function _SetWindowCGOrderingEnabled():

- (void *)carbonWindowRef;
  WindowRef windowRef;
  extern void _SetWindowCGOrderingEnabled(WindowRef, Boolean);

  if (![self respondsToSelector:@selector(_windowRef)]) {
      NSLog(@"-[NSWindow(OAExtensions) carbonWindowRef]: _windowRef private API no longer exists, returning NULL");
      return NULL;

  windowRef = [self _windowRef];
  _SetWindowCGOrderingEnabled(windowRef, false);
  return windowRef;
The -carbonWindowRef method was used for embedding Carbon plug-ins in OmniWeb back in 2001 (before WebKit existed), and we used _SetWindowCGOrderingEnabled() to work around a bug where the window with the plug-in would jump forward each time the app became active. (This was a holdover from the pre-OS X window activation behavior where all of an app's windows would come forward when you clicked on any of them.)

None of our code actually calls -carbonWindowRef anymore; if you're using OmniAppKit I'd recommend removing this method.