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Originally Posted by Singleton View Post
but I wish I could figure out how I got to that state in the first place..
it probably is between a iPhone syncing to the desktop....
Judging from the sales numbers, there are thousands and thousands of people doing just that. Perhaps there's a bit more to getting into this state?
also, that linking went away, but above I read someone said it is supposed to link to a project of predefined nature? it just defaults to the MAIN screen.
Double-clicking on an item gets you a window focused on the project containing the item you double-clicked. Normally one doesn't double-click on links.
but, how do you repeat something you don't know how you got it to do in the first place?
It isn't always easy, and some people are much more adept at puzzling out how to get into (or out of) a weird state. It is serendipitous when such people end up work in customer support!
any ideas...about how to properly setup a REPEAT task?

I get confused when it says by DUE DATE or by COMPLETION DATE
You specify a repeat interval, and whether you want the next one to be scheduled based on assigned date or completion date. If you want your next repeat to happen exactly the repeat interval after the first one was due, then you used assigned date. If you want your next repeat to happen exactly the repeat interval after the first one was actually completed, use completion date. As an example of the former, paying your mortgage would most likely use assigned date, because the bank wants the next payment at the right time even if the previous one was late. Getting a haircut would probably be done with completion date. iCal does the "assigned date" option.

how can I set up a daily regiment....that I would like to keep as daily...
You want a daily regimen, I think.

Make your daily regimen tasks repeat from assigned date, repeat interval of 1 day, start time 12:00AM, due time 11:59PM.
how come this was still made possible on this software?

it should have been thunk out before the release...
It was, and I've got literally thousands of completed repeating actions in my database as evidence that it works. There may be problems with the repeat options, but failure of the user to read the documentation shouldn't be numbered among them.