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Wow. It amazing how framing an app in a new UI and adding a few new/different features (forecast & maps, for example) can change the entire experience for me.

I finally get/understand the power of the maps using store names (Publix, Home Depot) and making that a realtime search rather than a specific address or lat/long. Now wherever I am in the city I am close to one of these. I didn't get that the first time around on the iPhone.

Also, the forecast goes a long way toward helping me visualize my week. I was in the process of writing a filemaker app to help with that. I might not need it now. I would like to see the forecast bar scroll up a week at a time so I can see into the following week(s), but I don't want to be too greedy :-).

The only workarounds I needed were to create an 'errands' perspective so I don't have to scroll through all my stuff to get there (yes, I can get there from the map, but not see all available). I don't need a work perspective for projects because it is just one tap to close my 'personal' folder hierarchy and expose only the work projects hierarchy, but I will need one for work contexts (so in meetings I'm not flipping around so much). All in all, the team did a great job! Rest up, I want more :-)!


BTW, the iPad context became necessary because I can now do roundtrip planning on the iPad, managing tasks along the way, which I couldn't do before. I was doing a review this morning and found I was starting to mean iPad when I was filing under the computer context :-). So I just created one. Wow. It's not often my workflow gets changed in a big way.