Thread: Speed Download
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Originally Posted by Flounder
Yea, I just tried it...
I too use OmniWeb and Speed Download. I've just picked up this thread, and have tried your link in OW 5.5sp7 and Speed Download 4. I think the problem with this one is similar to problems there used to be with earlier versions of OW and SD and certain developer's sites. I used to have it with Mariner Software's download site, though that got sorted out a while back.

If you pick up the URL from OW and then add it directly in SD, it downloads no problem. I suspect it is something to do with the coding of the developer's site rather than OW ... there are other sites where what gets downloaded is the .php linked to rather than the file referred to. So really, OG, Yazsoft and Devon need to work together on problems like this one.

Nuisance, I know.