Thread: Flags
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Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
I use a handful of perspectives, plus the flags. Much of this is adapted from Curt Clifton's post a few years ago:

I check my urgent view (items with an impending due date) to see what needs to be done today. I then check my tickler view to see what is starting today. Much of that will be repeating items having to do with keeping life moving along. Stuff in "real" projects often will not have start dates, or only the first action will, so most of it is not showing up in the tickler view, though it may appear in the urgent view if not done promptly enough. I use the flags (which I update every day) to mark off items that I want to emphasize, even if they may not be picked out by those two perspectives (I've got hundreds of projects, most of which don't have a due date). I build up the flagged list as I do my daily review activities and empty out my Inbox. If I end the day with an empty Inbox, nothing on the flagged list, and nothing in today's portion of the forecast view, it has been a spectacularly productive day!

I also sometimes use the flagged list as a way to organize the stuff I'm going to do today. I will look at the big list and flag a handful of related things, then switch to the flagged list and just work those. When I finish with that batch, I'll grab the next batch, and so on. Most of my contexts have enough items in them that working them to zero isn't practical, so this offers a quick and easy way to get the satisfaction of finishing a list, which I find very useful in keeping up the motivation in the face of a daunting list of work to be done.
I do the same sort of thing with flags... I use them for things I would like to either get done or have my attention on for the day. Of course, I don't always (heh... ) get everything done on the day I would like to, so I keep the flags on, which then builds up over time as I flag more things. Perhaps this is a sign that my productivity isn't what it should be, or I'm biting off more than I can chew.

When you go over your flagged list, do you unflag things every day and start fresh?

I've requested this to the Omni ninjas, but it would be nice to be able to flag/unflag items quicker without having to open each item. Perhaps put the list in "edit" mode and a grayed out flag appears on the right next to each item. Then you could just tap the ones you want to have flagged.