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Originally Posted by steve View Post
Inspired by 7 habits, I have a folder for each of my "roles"— teacher, mentor, husband-dad, geek, artist etc. The method has some merit for weekly review and for making sure that all of my values and goals have some sort projects attached to them.
hey - it's neat to hear a 7-Habits inspired use of folders! I can definitely see a compass folder full of roles and having 7 active roles any given week with the rest on hold - this would definitely fit in the Covey philosophy - good idea!

that said, I don't have my system set up this way - my folders are goal-oriented at the moment with projects that contribute to 3 primary goals to fulfill by 2015.

I, too, would love to have sub-projects, folders are my workaround for the same reasons other have mentioned - the ability to suspend a sub-project is critical.

tagging of projects and having views based on this probably would be a cleaner implementation and be nice to hear how some of you deal with dependencies as folders don't deal with this issue very well.

I am a +1 for smart-folders as well - this seems to be a very well-known concepts in mac-land indeed! :)