Thread: Revenge!
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I went down to the local Apple Store to order another MacPro for the lab. I needed the high-end one (that the retail stores have) and 16GB of memory (ouch). Its in a lab so didn't need a monitor and if you know me you know I have the storage covered. I had them assemble all the boxes by the counter, they seemed very excited to ring it up. I've bought this similar configuration a few times from this store before so they had no reason to expect my next move....

I pulled out my iPad to "check" something. I showed them the page in the App store without OmniFocus on it. Told them I am not buying until it is approved and they should call someone. They told me their was nothing they could do. I told them then neither could I...and left.

Told them I will call them when the app is approved. They looked dumbfounded. I felt better... for a little while. But now I'm a machine short in the lab and still no Omnifocus.
