Thread: OF vs. Things
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Originally Posted by iannarino View Post
One of the features I like about Things is that all of your completed tasks are captured in a logbook, removing them from your views while retaining them for future reference. Anybody know how to handle that in OF?

I also like that there is an Areas of Focus tag. I am using Project Folders now for my Areas of Focus in OF, but I am not sure if there is a better way.
The problem with the Logbook approach is that it disassociates the items from their projects and surrounding actions, so that when I look at them in Things' Logbook they don't make any sense and are completely out of context. I much prefer OF's approach of keeping completed items in their projects with all their contextual data and then control visibility with filters. You can achieve the same result as Things' Logbook by just displaying Completed actions using the View Bar.

As for Areas of Focus, what's wrong with using folders in OF? Isn't that their intended purpose? In fact, I think OF's implementation is more flexible and gives you a lot more control (e.g. nesting). Unless I'm misunderstanding the purpose of the Areas sidebar container in Things, it doesn't seem to have much practical value in that app.