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Originally Posted by bocomoj View Post
Omni Group's pricing model needs adjustment for modern times. Purchasing all three apps means loyal users have poured more than $100 into the OmniFocus system. (Not to mention the other Omni apps we've bought.) The price to upgrade needs to be practically zero, if not zero. That's the norm for Mom and Pop developers in 2013.

If Omni Group can't support that model, maybe 50 employees is too many.
They aren't Mom & Pop developers. If you don't believe the upgrade offers sufficient value, don't buy it. Frankly, given how often they do paid upgrades, if you weren't able to get your money's worth out of the first version, either you are very late to the party (whose fault is that?), or there was no real need to buy it in the first place. It's not like the Omni Group has ever had some sort of monopoly on task management apps.