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Originally Posted by gary View Post
It makes sense if you believe a project never has an ending. I know that's always been debated on here, but for those of us who believe a project does indeed end, it would be nice to have the option of getting rid of it.
If you want it out of your current file without deleting it, you can create a new OmniFocus file to archive your completed projects.

1. Quit OmniFocus.

2. Navigate to ~/Library/Application Support/OmniFocus/ and option-drag your OmniFocus.ofocus file (well, package, really) elsewhere.

3. Rename the copied file "OmniFocus Archive.ofocus" or something like that.

4. Double-click the new file. When OmniFocus opens, show all projects, delete them, and close the window. (Don't quit OmniFocus.)

5. Choose New Window from the Window menu. Your old OmniFocus file will open up.

6. Now, from the Finder, double-click on the OmniFocus Archive file.

7. Select a project you want to move out of the main file. Cut. Switch to the archive window and paste. Now you've archived that project.

The main drawbacks to this method are that you have to open the archive file in the Finder (or your Finder substitute or app launcher) to open it, and that the view state in the archive file is not saved. But it works. At least for now; this is alpha software still!