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My experience has been that overcoming the trauma of "oh no, not another big list of things to do" was the hardest part of getting started on GTD.

So I turned it into a "temporary project planning thing." Every time I had an idea for something else that needed to be done, it went into my "temporary project planning thing." Then I'd just make myself work through the inbox the way Dave said to - with a bit of self discovery along the way.

"Why did I think it was important to put that on the list?"

"Why do I feel that this task is more interesting than that one?"

"What is important to me?"

Now I'm adding things to the list with the giddy joy that I can forget about it without feeling guilty. The task is remembered by a system more permanent than my short term memory.

Now I'm just working on the routine of actually doing my daily review instead of rushing through it five minutes after I arrive at work, realising that my camera is half full because I didn't transfer all the photos to iPhoto the night before, yada yada...