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Originally Posted by brianogilvie View Post
From an operational standpoint, I find it's very easy, when processing my inbox or using quick entry, to type a few letters from the folder name and then "misc" to quickly file single actions in the appropriate button. In that regard, the current setup suits me well.
I'm curious if you find, using this setup, that your "misc" items get put off or if the bucket becomes a place for incompletely processed projects? I ask because that was what was happening with me for the first few days of having the single action bucket. I've had to become more diligent reviewing them and ensuring they're not actually projects-in-disguise.

(I have, of course, found *several* of these in my reviews, and making them "real" projects has been troublesome, because all to often I'm in Context mode when I realize, "oh, crap, I can't do this because I have to do this other thing first".

E.g. I had a single action "file bug against ____", and when it came up to do, I realized I need to test against a later version of the OS first. I created a new action ("test _____ in _____ first"), but couldn't put it anywhere useful in Contexts. So I switched to project mode, went to my single action bucket, and moved the item under the "file bug against _____" item.

Back in Contexts, my new action showed up under the right context, but with a "project" of "single actions". D'oh! It *should* have shown a project of "file bug against _____" but because it wasn't a "project" but an "action group"....

I had to move the "single action that's now a project" out of the single action bucket and into the projects list.

Frustrating and time consuming.)