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Originally Posted by jpathomas View Post
I need a way to find all that stuff, keep it in once place, and search it...

And nothing sees into a Scrivener project, or an OO Document.

There's a part of me that's thinking about just doing everything in TextMate...
I'm all for the simplicity of text files, but let's face it, you can't do *everything* in plain text (at least not as well as some other purpose-specific apps). So using a variety of apps and file formats is a given.

I don't know about Scrivener files, but Spotlight indexes and searches OO documents, along with just about everything else you've mentioned. And if you're already on Leopard, there's nothing extra to buy.

Now, I know a lot of people feel the need to use a third-party app for this kind of thing. And I'm sure those apps bring some sophisticated features to the table (especially DEVONThink), but I also think the tools built-in to Mac OS X are often overlooked. Spotlight search in Leopard is really good; so good, in fact, that I've abandoned almost all my other organizational tools and gone back to the basics (Finder, Spotlight, and Quick Look) for storing my reference and project support materials.

Note that you can also link external files to your OmniFocus projects and tasks. I tend to use OF as a front-end for managing all aspects of a project, with support materials linked in for easy access. And OF supports Quick Look, so it's easy to get a quick preview of all those little file icons.
