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Hm, well I may have an error in the modification I tried to make to your code, but this is what I got.

I first tried displaying a dialog, like so:

on isFullScreen(strAppCode)
		tell application id "sevs"
			set lstApps to application processes where its creator type = "OGfl"
			if length of lstApps < 1 then return missing value
			tell first item of lstApps
				set oWin to missing value
					set oWin to first window where value of attribute "AXFullScreen" is true
				end try
				if oWin is not missing value then
					display dialog "This is a test" buttons "OK" default button "OK" with title pTitle & "   " & pVer
				end if
			end tell
		end tell
	on error
		return false
	end try
end isFullScreen
This was successful. I then replaced the dialog with the "Fit in Window" loop:

on isFullScreen(strAppCode)
		tell application id "sevs"
			set lstApps to application processes where its creator type = "OGfl"
			if length of lstApps < 1 then return missing value
			tell first item of lstApps
				set oWin to missing value
					set oWin to first window where value of attribute "AXFullScreen" is true
				end try
				if oWin is not missing value then
					repeat with oCanv in canvases of its document
						set canvas of it to oCanv
						-- ZOOM TO FIT
						tell application id "sevs" to click mnuZoomFit
					end repeat
				end if
			end tell
		end tell
	on error
		return false
	end try
end isFullScreen
This didn't seem to do anything. I'd play around more but work calls.

By the way, fullscreen OmniGraffle is something to look forward to if/when you upgrade to Lion. It's a far bigger improvement than I imagined it would be.