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I'm working in an administrator account and I can install (usually that means copy) any other file into the applications folder, where the runnning OmniWeb application is placed and where the new version is going to.

With OmniWeb sneaky peeks I rely on the automatic update procedure, so I'm not taking any influence about the place where the update is going to be installed. I figure the updater locates the running OmniWeb and installs the update in the same place.

This occurs not only on one machine, the same authentication issue comes up on the MacPro at work and on my MacBook at home, where the setup is quite similar.

One more thing: until about 8 - 10 days ago the new version of OmniWeb restored the session like it was was runnning before the replaced version was quit. That was a nice feature. Now I get only my standard workspace, which makes me a little more reluctand to update, because I need to organize my work around the update.
