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Originally Posted by profmadden View Post
That makes some sense; it there a better way to get long-range visibility of deadlines in a calendar view? For example, I've got research proposal deadlines that are close to a year out, and when planning travel and other things, I need to be aware of them. Many of the constraints that I have to work around come in through calendars that I subscribe to, so a "calendar view" seems the most reasonable solution.

I could presumably write a script that would periodically walk OF to get things with my "deadline" context, and then generate an iCal from that (any chance such a script already exists?), but it sort of feels cobbled together. I abandoned Linux years ago because I was tired of trying to stitch tools together with bailing wire, and I'd like to avoid going back to that life style.
The forecast view on the iPad offers something similar Omni Group has stated they've heard this feedback and are thinking of ways the bring the functionality back into the desktop version of OmniFocus; this sounds like a good example of what that should cover.

What we don't have is a real timeframe for that yet. They said they wanted 2.0 in CY 2011, so I guess worst case 10 months ;-)