Thread: "Global" search
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Yes, I've read the manual, and yes I've read the book Creating Flow with OmniFocus by Kourosh and a whole bunch of other stuff. I've been using OF for over 3 years, and it's the little things like a confusing global search that make the program more complicated than it needs to be. Programs like iTunes, DEVONthink and even Things use the little triangle in the search box to easily give the user options.

Do you also propose that search should search all items, regardless of their state of completion?

Yes, that should be one of the options when I click the little arrow in the search window.

Do you get confused by the Safari search bar that pops up when you do cmd-F?

Nope. I rarely use keyboard shortcuts, I'm more of a mouse/trackpad kind of guy. My life is too complicated to memorize a bunch of keyboard shortcuts.