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Originally Posted by wilsonng View Post
I don't know if you can have a beta program for OmniFocus iPad unless you have an iPad SDK to run it in simulator mode on your Mac.
There is a mechanism for handing out copies to alpha or beta testers, but there is a very small limit on the number of different devices that can be used, and that includes the developer's test gear. As a result, there were only 4 of us testing OmniFocus 1.6 for iPhone, and to test the iPad version, we would occupy 4 more of the precious slots, because we would be using different devices. I do not know if the developer gets a fresh set of slots for a different application. With the first two Omni iPad apps, no one had any hardware (Omni included) prior to the launch, so everything was done with the simulator, and I haven't heard of any outside testers being utilized.

As much as I wanted to know the ending to Lost: Season 5 and 24: Season 8, I waited until I got home to capture that experience! It's the same thing I expect when I see OmniFocus iPad.
I haven't watched the finale of 24 yet, though I couldn't wait for my sweetie to be convinced that she should watch the previous 120 episodes of LOST so we could watch the finale together without a million questions, er, maybe that should be an additional million questions :) I did manage to hold off on buying OmniGraffle for my iPad for more than a month, but wish I had given in earlier. OmniGraffle on the iPad makes me quite optimistic about the prospects for OmniFocus on the iPad! I would also say that seeing screenshots of OmniGraffle really didn't convey just how nice it is to use.