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I would never leave tasks in the inbox. The only time I leave tasks in the inbox is when I'm on the go and I just type something quickly into the inbox. The task is in the inbox because I haven't had the time to process it and put it in the correct place in my GTD setup. At the end of the day, I make sure to do my Daily Review and assign proper projects and contexts for my tasks. The inbox should not be a storage area to place tasks. Assign it a project AND a context.

I think there is a preference setting that says "Clean up inbox items that have...."

I have the inbox cleaned up automatically when both a project and a context has been assigned to a task. If it is missing one or the other then it stays in the inbox until I properly assign both. Check your preferences for this setting.

Put the task in a "miscellaneous" project. I have a single-task project that holds one-off tasks that don't have or need a project.

Do not leave anything in the inbox. It means that you haven't properly processed it.

Last edited by wilsonng; 2010-05-13 at 08:52 PM..