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By hacking together a Rob Trew script together with this Veritrope one I've cobbled something together which works nicely for my purposes. It's uncommented but probably self explanatory all the same. If it proves useful for someone, then that'd be super!

tell application "OmniFocus"
	set list_Projects to {}
	set list_Folders to {}
	set exclude_areas to {"Personal", "Management", "Someday/ Maybe"}
	set oDoc to default document
	set ExportList to "Current List of Active Projects" & return & "---" & return & (current date) & return & return as Unicode text
	set folderObjs to (folders of oDoc)
	set show_section to false
	repeat with folder_obj in folderObjs
		if name of folder_obj is not in exclude_areas then
			set thisSection to return & "##" & name of folder_obj & return & return
			set projectObjs to (projects of folder_obj where hidden of its folder is false and its status is active)
			repeat with project_obj in projectObjs
				if project_obj is not singleton action holder then
					set thisSection to thisSection & name of project_obj & "  " & return
					set show_section to true
				end if
			end repeat
			set subFolderObjs to (folders of folder_obj)
			repeat with subfolder_obj in subFolderObjs
				set thisSection to thisSection & return & "###" & name of subfolder_obj & return & return
				set projectObjs to (projects of subfolder_obj where hidden of its folder is false and its status is active and (its start date is missing value or start date < (current date)))
				repeat with project_obj in projectObjs
					if project_obj is not singleton action holder then
						set thisSection to thisSection & name of project_obj & "  " & return
						set show_section to true
					end if
				end repeat
			end repeat
			if show_section then
				set ExportList to ExportList & thisSection
				set show_section to false
			end if
		end if
	end repeat
	set ExportList to ExportList & return & return & "Completed Tasks" & return & "---" & return & return
	set week_ago to (current date) - 7 * days
	tell oDoc
		set refDoneInLastWeek to a reference to (flattened tasks where (completion date ≥ week_ago))
		set {lstName, lstContext, lstProject, lstFolder, lstDate} to {name, name of its context, name of its containing project, name of folder of its containing project, completion date} of refDoneInLastWeek
		set strText to ""
		repeat with iTask from 1 to count of lstName
			if lstFolder is not in exclude_areas then
				set {strName, varContext, varProject, varDate} to {item iTask of lstName, item iTask of lstContext, item iTask of lstProject, item iTask of lstDate}
				if varDate is not missing value then set strText to strText & short date string of varDate & " - "
				if varProject is not missing value then set strText to strText & " [" & varProject & "] - "
				set strText to strText & strName
				if varContext is not missing value then set strText to strText & " @" & varContext
				set strText to strText & "  " & return
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
	set ExportList to ExportList & strText as Unicode text
	set fn to choose file name with prompt "Name this file" default name "Weekly Development Report" & ¬
		".md" default location (path to desktop folder)
	tell application "System Events"
		set fid to open for access fn with write permission
		write ExportList to fid
		close access fid
	end tell
end tell