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I think it depends a lot on whether the action needs all the people to be together at the same time (i.e. in the same meeting) or whether it will be done with each individually.

If it needs them all together at the same time, and there is a regular and appropriate forum, then the context is sensibly that forum (e.g. "weekly sales meeting").

If it's going to require them all together but there's no regular forum then I'd assign myself an action to schedule the meeting and the actual action to "Waiting", once the meeting was scheduled I'd move the action to "Work - Meetings" with appropriate start and due dates. I do it that way or otherwise I end up with actions depending on meetings I haven't yet scheduled and no way of telling I've done something stupid :)

If the action will/can be carried out with each person separately then I think it's actually separate actions, and I'd create the full set (e.g. "Agree resourcing with Diane", "Confirm resourcing with Peter", "Get resource signoff from Ngaire") and assign them to the individual person contexts.