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I have an issue with repeating actions. Timely example: I have a parent action called "Get tax forms" which starts on 2/15/10 and is due on 2/28/10, repeating every year.

The parent "Get tax forms" has children: "get W-2s", "get mortgage statements", "get student loan interest statements", etc.

My question has to do with the "right" way to assign dates to each of these, and what happens when one of the children is completed:

Currently, I assign the same start and due date to the children as I indicated above for the parent (Feb 15/28, 2010). However, as I complete the children's actions, each child is recreated for the following year (2011), but put under the parent that is still due this year (2010). When I then "complete" the parent action after all of the children are complete, the parent is recreated for the following year (2011), with the crazy result below:

Parent (due 2011)
Child 2 (due 2011)
Child 2 (due 2012)
Child 1 (due 2011)
Child 1 (due 2012)
So, my question is how to organize a recurring group? I've essentially given up on grouping these items neatly together because of this issue. (They are all separate now with no parent.)


OK, I did another experiment where the children do not have their own dates. This means that they show up in my lists without due dates indicated, and the "neatness" of having parents seems obviated. However, the repeating works as I would want it to. Hmmmm.....

Last edited by rhenn; 2010-02-27 at 05:55 PM..