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Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
How big is your database (actions and zip files and megabytes)?
1.8MB (running on a 2.4 GHz. Intel Core 2 Duo, 2GB RAM). I don't know how to get # of actions and zip files.

I can't use the Archive function as currently implemented, because I have active projects that I need to retain completed actions from in my 'live' file, no matter how long ago the actions have been completed.

I have been manually copying over completed projects to my archive file, which helps some.

If there is/would be a way for me to be able to filter down to actions completed based on completion date, I could focus on my SAL containers, then select those actions, and also move them to my archive. That would reduce the size of my db a lot. But I don't think that filter is available.

Thank you for your help.
