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Originally Posted by Greg Jones View Post
I thought it once mirrored the behavior of the badge on the iPhone. One overdue and four due soon items would have an iPhone badge count of 5. As far as how I would prefer it behave, I don't know that I have a preference. Clearly if it has always worked this way on the desktop, I haven't noticed it before now. Having said that, it would seem logical that the badge count on the iPhone and the desktop should be consistent.
It has never mirrored the badge on the iPhone. The desktop version shows only OVERDUE items if there are some, and if there are none, it shows an orange # with DUE SOON items.

The iPhone one shows the combination of the two (overdue PLUS due soon).

I'd rather have more flexibility here. I'd also like the ability to set the number of days in "due soon" different between iPhone and Desktop versions.