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well, I forgot to post here...I had already sent an email to the ninjas....
I just trashed the prefs and it went away....

not like what you are saying above...the RESET is like whimpy soft did nothing...

the hard reset was going into the prefs folder and trashing that...

I lost my new icons and Perspectives I had created...

but I wish I could figure out how I got to that state in the first place..
it probably is between a iPhone syncing to the desktop....

also, that linking went away, but above I read someone said it is supposed to link to a project of predefined nature? it just defaults to the MAIN screen.
As if , I was to select PERSONAL it would show PERSONAL, if I went back to the main screen and changed it to something like a PROJECT?
it would link to that....
everything would link to that...that is my isn't supposed to do that...

the image showed every item as a link , just clicking (not double clicking)
just clicking on the item opened a window....
so you can imagine my horror when I thought I was in a twilight zone episode!!!! Look at all these WINDOWS! created by OMNI FOCUS! boy I am sure FOCUSING !!!! this is REALLY GREAT STUFF!

he he he....

I just want to see that guy with the glasses in the video....say something about this stuff is crazy!

I will just keep doing OF and see if it does it again...

I hope not....

but, how do you repeat something you don't know how you got it to do in the first place?

Oh I feel like a real monkey in a cage....with other monkeys outside trying to tell me to touch the electric shock button! this time it won't get you! we promise! go ahead! try it!

any ideas...about how to properly setup a REPEAT task?

I get confused when it says by DUE DATE or by COMPLETION DATE

what the hell does that mean?

on the iCal it is simple. you just put the repeat and it will repeat on the schedule as you request...

in the past, I have set this up and I don't know how, I did it, but It looped.
I check an item.
It comes back undone. SAME DATE, just unchecked..
if I sync it back to the iPhone, it trades checks....

nifty....task check tennis.....yummy!

but not very productive...
drives me crazy...

how can I set up a daily regiment....that I would like to keep as daily...

I think I got it this time....maybe...just set it to Completion but do NOT set a DUE DATE...

that confuses gets into trying to be COMPLETED and DUE and START all on the same day?

how come this was still made possible on this software?

it should have been thunk out before the release...

makes me feel OMNIflunked...

sorry, but its true..
