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It sounds to me like you need to archive some items from your database on the desktop version of OmniFocus and then sync again. Choose File, then "Move Old Data To Archive".

I have a very extensive database of projects and actions, and my iPhone version of OmniFocus loads in under 5 seconds (I timed it just now).

In fact, I also timed how long it took me to launch OmniFocus, hit the inbox button at the bottom of the screen, type "This Is A Test Action", then hit save and exit OmniFocus. I even made a mistake in the spelling and had to backspace and correct it (I spelled "Text" instead of "Test"). Still, I did all of that in under 20 seconds. That's all I ever do when capturing stuff anyway - contexts, projects and due dates can wait until later when I have time to comb through my inbox.

Now, don't get me wrong, I would love it if OmniFocus was much snappier, so in a sense, I agree with you. I just thought I would point out that you seem to be having unnecessary delays and it's probably because you have a ton of old OmniFocus data that needs to be archived.