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Originally Posted by DrJJWMac View Post
You could create two top-level contexts Work and Personal. All work-related contexts go under Work, and all personal under Personal (as sub-contexts). At 9am, manually toggle Work to ACTIVE and Personal to ON HOLD. At 6pm, reverse the procedure.
Thanks for the suggestion. :)

Sadly, it didn't exactly work in my case: setting the Personal context On Hold (or to Dropped) only resulted in dated Personal context actions being grayed out but still visible in Forecast.

Strangely, after reverting the Personal context back to Active and then again back to On Hold, even the graying out no longer works. All of today's actions are fully visible in Forecast regardless of context status. :( I don't know why the graying out effect no longer works - a bug perhaps?

I did find an alternate solution though: go into Contexts, select the Office context (for example), and then in View Options choose the option to sort by and show dated and flagged items first.

Does putting a context On Hold hide related items in Forecast on your OmniFocus?