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Originally Posted by juliabell View Post
This is a way to change the week number, but what else is it going to change on my computer (are there spell checkers or other applications that also check this setting that might now also be using a European convention)?

I'm not making any promises, but it is difficult to see why a properly-designed and implemented spell checker (or anything else) would look at the date and time settings to determine the language to use when there is specific, independent customization for languages built into the operating system.
Also, having the week number available is a great feature that I didn't even know about. Can someone point me to a place in the manual or some other documentation that will tell me how I can see the week number in an omniplan schedule?
It appears to be documented on p. 63 of the current OmniPlan PDF manual available for download off the OmniPlan product page.