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I've got a mail rule/applescript that parses incoming emails from our online help desk notification system and creates new actions in OmniFocus. I've got this working fine. (I'm converting from previous iCal todo based workflow and am new to OmniFocus)

The help desk also sends email notifications when help requests are completed-- I'd like to have a rule/applescript that finds the action tied to that help request and mark it completed. They will contain the unique incident ID in the form "Incident ID:xxx "

The code I'm looking at is something like:
  1. set theIncidentID to "Incident ID:30586 "
  2. tell default document
  3. set theTask to (the first action whose name contains theIncidentID)
  4. set completed of theTask to true

Unfortunately the 3rd line doesn't work or find anything.

Can anyone please give me a pointer on how to find and action/object that contains a certain text string? I suspect I need to access the data differently than I did in iCal todos.... Thanks!