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I think OmniFocus really isn’t set up for say, finding all of the things you have to do for Carol that are work-related. I think that OmniFocus is more arranged to provide a list of things you could be doing, or at least, that is the approach that I have always taken. If you have a list of tasks in the Calls context, and you’re by a phone, I think OF is set up to push you to just do all of your calls. If you don’t go to the Calls context but instead go to the Agendas group, well, maybe you didn’t call Bob but you did call Alice. I think for some people the tag everything with every relevant keyword is better - i.e. maybe Things fits their expectations better. To me, as long as I fill up my time with things to be done in the rough order of their importance, I don’t really get concerned about whether the next thing that I’m doing is the exact right perfect next thing. Once it is done, whatever tags were attached to it don’t really matter.

If you search around the forums you’ll find a lot more perspectives on this. People who have been around the forum for a while have probably responded to this question a few times before and aren’t going to be excited to rehash their suggestions.