Thread: Managing Lists
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Originally Posted by DamonC View Post
I've been using OmniOutliner for GTD in the past and I had a section for Someday / Maybe and kept lists in there. I had a list for Reading/Research which would contain books to read and web pages to read. OO can store clickable URLs that would open Safari. I don't seem to be able to do this in OF, although the text of the URL can be stored, but then I have to copy and paste this into Safari. Purchases consists of 2 lists - Definite Purchases and Possible Purchases. Items to buy online would contain the URL to the page, and other items would just be listed.

I'd like to keep these lists in OF but will lose the functionality I had with OO. How are you managing these types of lists or are you keeping them outside of OF? I don't want to have to use to separate lists for things like this. Am I missing something? If not, will URLs be actionable from within OF in 1.0?

So I think I'm learning quickly that many people in the forums were previous OO users, or kGTD users, and have learned to accept various shortcomings of those tools for productivity / tasks management. I don't want to have to use OmniOutliner or a journaling program to organize my to do list, my projects, my goals in life, and someday/maybe items like DamonC mentions. I am hoping that the goal of OF will be to get over those shortcomings, and build an app that can provide "Personal productivity and peace of mind". ;)

DamonC, what about creating a context called "Someday", and making the context inactive by right-clicking on it? That way you can filter out all items. I'd also put them in a separate project hierarchy as well, and make those task lists "On Hold". Although it would be great to have another state that "On Hold" so you could specifically filter on them, like "Someday". That's what I was doing with other programs.

Would it be possible to have user-defined states? What would be the harm in that? Would that be a solution to what you're trying to do?