Thread: OmniBank
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While I am sure if Omni did ever decide to take on this challenge they would do a good job, let's look further afield.

What is the future of personal finance management? Is it really a piece of local software? Financial data aggregation can be done so much more efficiently as a web app. Take a look at Not ideal for me (is US only right now, is not really a double entry system, can't handle liabilities etc.) BUT does produce an extremely useful and accurate picture of 'How am I doing today'. It has an iPhone app too, and gives a much more accurate picture than manually adding and categorizing transactions. It is always up to date. That is the future.

Personally I use a combination of MoneyDance (much better than Liquid Ledger almost everywhere) and for my finances. MoneyDance handles my overall financial picture and records, and is great for day to day budgeting.

Cheers, Andrew