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Hello, I have a usability question...

I have a task that has taken/will continue to take a long time to finish. To be specific, we have a contact management system that we are dropping, and it's my job to go into each contact and download each file attachment from its record. Each contact has anywhere from 0 to 200 documents, and this is a low-level maintenance kind of thing (meaning, no hard deadline, not super-critical), so I don't want it on my task list unless I have a light day. Problem is, depending on the contacts I run into (I'm going in alpha order), I may get through 2 contacts or 20 for each block of time. I never know how much I'll get through or when I'm going to have time to work on this next.

So... What I'm looking for is a way to have this be a recurring task that regenerates upon completion, but with no set start or end date. At least, I think that comes closest to the best solution. I want it to show up as an available action, so that when I do my daily review, I can choose to add it to my daily list if I have a little time.

Thoughts on how best to implement this?
