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Originally Posted by Littledragon View Post
Is it possible to expand all the rows at the same time in the same way you can view all notes?
If you've built your outline under a single heading then yes. Tap and hold on the left margin arrow for that top-level heading, wait a second, lift your finger and you should see a menu with "Expand completely" available.

Tap that and you have what you want.

If you don't have an outline with a single heading then no.

Something I'd expect from a robust outliner is a way to expand all to a given level so that I can view my outline at any resolution I want. I do that all the time when building presentations using Word's outliner. I convert outlines to wikis, slides, and written documentation every week and OmniOutliner for iPad sits unused on page 3 because it just doesn't have the flexibility I need.