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Originally Posted by dave1304 View Post
I would appreciate a different colour for today's tasks. Red seems better for missed tasks from yesterday and before I think. So why not take blue or green for today, red for yesterday and before and orange for the next days? Or give an opportunity to choose in preferences?
Sorry for my bad English.
I agree with you. I do not like having items due today marked as overdue or as soon. I would prefer that they be different. I like blue for that -- a very relaxing color.

Originally Posted by curt.clifton View Post
OF is coloring based on due time, not date. If you set a due date of today, OF uses the time 00:00. So technically, OF considers the item past due. You could set the due time on items to something later in the day, say 17:00, and set the "soon" threshold in Preferences to 1 day. Then the current day would be orange and late would be red. You wouldn't get any special highlighting for future actions though.

Also, you can change the colors of "soon" items (but apparently not the badges) by selecting any orange item and choosing Format --> Font --> Show Colors. All red items will get the new coloring. Use Format --> Clear Style to reset the formatting.

Update: Build 94378 has a bug where the formatting changes don't survive a restart.
That seems like a lot of trouble to go to for a routine item that has a start and due date of today (such as your Weekly Review item). I have a number of those. Besides, I don't want to lose soon item coloring, and I would rather see today's tasks as a color other than whatever color I choose for soon items (I think orange is fine for them).

Having said that, thanks for the explanation and the suggestion. If OF does not implement a different color for today, or until they do, that is good workaround.

Last edited by dhm2006; 2007-11-10 at 09:39 AM.. Reason: Typos