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Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Doing it via the inspector my experience the inspector stays pointed to the right place. I've gotten in the habit of editing this way because often I'll be in a view that doesn't show some of the columns I might want to change, and bringing up the inspector is much faster than adding the column to the window.
That's an idea I've not considered. Thanks for bringing up the possibility. Presently I have my 4 perspectives all set up to show the
- task
- project and/or context
- start date
- due date
- time
- flag

I always delete my tasks when I'm done with them. Occasionally I change one. (the topic of this thread)

If I'm in my DUE perspective, for example, I really like being able to see the whole grid, adjust dates if need be (if priorities have changed, which they often do), and make adjustments by tabbing through the grid. Tabbing through the grid is great.

I do have my inspector showing - but I rarely use it now because my fields show on my grid. I'm going to think about your suggestion, though. Thanks.

How do you get "control" to go to the inspector? In other words, if your cursor is in the grid, do you use your mouse to go to the inspector - or do you do something on the keyboard?
