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Hello all,

I really would like to see OmniGroup handle repeating/recurring tasks better. The recent addition of day-specific tasks was a huge step forward, and there's one major fix I want now.

When I have a task that repeats daily (say, "eat breakfast"), and for some reason I manage to skip a few days, the next time I go and check off "eat breakfast", I get all skipped tasks that also need to be checked off.

I wish OmniFocus was smart enough to realize that the "next day" I should do the task is in the future, not in the past.

Is there a way to set this up now that I'm missing?

For example, a task of "eat breakfast", repeating every day, starting and due on April 16. Go on vacation, don't act on that task for a week. Upon return complete the April 16 action on April 25.

My expectation: the next "eat breakfast" shows up April 26. Instead, I get a new task for April 17, 18 19... 25.