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I'm an OF n00b and a long-time Daylite user. I have many contacts with whom I need to keep the ball moving. Daylite is great at some things, but keeping Next Actions bubbling up to the top layer is not one of them. I want to use OF for this. For now I am willing to forget about the holy grail of Total System Integration.

I'd like input on setting this up.

If each person is an action item (e.g. "remind Joe Smith about our project") it doesn't offer the continuity I want -- a string of small actions fostering the project with Joe Smith.

If each person is a project (makes more sense) then the "project" pull-down menu for each action item becomes unwieldy. But it seems closer to the reality of what I'm doing. The project is really fostering the relationship w/ Joe Smith -- for business development, future collaboration, networking etc.

This is one of the most important categories of little bits of next-actions that fall through the cracks for me. I'm happy w/ Daylite's email archiving and powerful tracking of organizations and people with relationships with one another. I need OF as my dedicated tracker of next-actions = mostly calls and emails.

Thanks in advance for any ideas. I like OF becuase it's sleek and simple -- I don't want it to turn into Daylite, which is so powerful it's hard to use.