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Originally Posted by Chrysogonus
So, perhaps it isn't as easy as it seemed. Thanks for trying anyway, FourOhFour.
Yeah. The import script works fine, as far as I can tell. The imported rules match the ones in Filterset.G... it's just that they don't work.

In working with my own rules, I've noticed that \d{2} didn't work. Most of Filterset.G's rules use the {} repetition shortcut.

(\d is any digit, \d{2} says any two digits. \d{2,4} would say two through four digits. \d{2,} says two or more. \d{2} is simple to expand, it becomes \d\d. \d{2,4} is the annoying case; it would become \d\d\d?\d?. \d{2,} would be \d\d+.)

Now, I don't think that's what broke that first rule, but it could be what's messing up the others. Any regexp experts around? Want to take a crack at a regexp that expands {}s in regexps? No, didn't think so...

Also, I've been notified that my link to the script didn't work. Oops, appears my host doesn't like .pl.gz files... I zipped it, and it downloads fine now. It may not be useful for importing Filterset.G, but it can export your rules into a nice file you can edit in a text editor or trade or whatever. They might even be compatible with Adblock, if you want to import them there. Haven't tried. ;-)