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Hi There,

I have made a similar suggestion for "Someday Maybe ( and I think this could also work well for "Waiting".

Ever since I started using OmniFocus I haven't quite devised a rock-solid system for either "Waiting" or "Someday/Maybe". What Strikes me most of all is that in all the discussions these statuses are mostly viewed as CONTEXTS.

If my action is "Get sales invoice from colleage" for example, the context is set to @colleague, because I need the colleage (physical requirement) to complete the action. Once I've sent the email requesting the invoice, the actual context shouldn't change to @waiting now (or having to create a NEW context @waitin@colleague or whatever). The physical requirement to do an action (Context) is still the same (i.e. @colleage), only the STATUS (i.e. the ball is now in his playing field) has changed now!

So my suggestion is - just like for "Someday/Maybe"- add a status button for "Waiting", like there is already for "On Hold" (the pause symbol). For "Waiting" one could use an exclamation mark (!) symbol, as it still needs following up.

This seems like the easiest solution to me, and does not disrupt any folder structures and merely requires a right click.
