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Originally Posted by JasonI View Post
For these situations I would rather have the ability of allowing an action be in multiple contexts vs. cloning the action. They are essentially the same thing, I think the difference is in the UI implementation. Either way would make me happy, as it would give me the flexibility I need in my workflow.

GTD-ness aside, this is really something that would help me get things done.
They are definitely not the same. Multiple contexts would be useful for a different set of use cases. For example, I can (to borrow an example) order concert tickets using my phone or the web. That action could have multiple contexts.

Clones would be useful when a single action is part of advancing multiple projects. That action might be do-able in just a single context, but until it is complete several projects are stalled.

To put it another way, actions with multiple contexts would appear multiple times in the context view but just once in the project view. Actions with clones would appear multiple times in the project view but just once in the context view.

Personally, clones are much higher on my wish list than actions with multiple contexts. (Actually actions with multiple contexts aren't on my personal wish list at all, but I respect that others want them for legitimate reasons. So I'm willing to wish a little on your behalves.)
