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This is an old thread, but it poses a good Q
for additional ideas or uses that hasn't occurred to one (me?).

Pretty much, I use it for anything that one might matrix in a spreadsheet, short of involved calculations. (I've never warmed to Excel as easy edit-friendly).

Nearly every outline I create, seems to beg for columns to organize & differentiate the items listed.
  • Any outline that may balloon into a matrix
  • Work Projects - Discrete engineering mini-projects. Indented tasks w/ status details
  • Weekly meeting accomplishments & This Weeks Goals
  • Moving simple brainstorm maps to-from Outliner (vial OPML) for adt'nl processing
  • Track Keyboard shortcuts (test new ones, cross reference between apps)
  • Vacation & Business Trip Checklists
  • Horse races/analysis for easy reference at track (personal tip sheet)
  • Small videos - track shot list (scene collections) & potential music
  • Music performance set list: tunes, key & tunings, bpm, special amp settings, snippet of the basic melody & bass line.

Work Proj status tracks complications & details:
Bullet point of tasks needed to complete a project
(which OmniFocus does too, but the columnar additions in OO are particularly useful to me).

Who is assigned, or project leader reported to.
Start date. ETC (estimated time to complete to remain facile in judging work rates), current completion percentage, release phase, release dates, and others.

OmniPlan would be useful instead, but this tabular information that is discussed & needs to be in a form that the person you report to can deal with.

Last edited by Ramshackle; 2012-12-17 at 04:14 AM.. Reason: Improving readability & detail