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Much of what I am required to do has to be done regardless of my desire or energy level. So, as interesting as energy level contexts are in principle, they do not work well for me.

I also use start dates only when enforced by external conditions, not as a way to systematically push things forward.

I have a few "tricks" if you will that I use to keep the list of tasks in any perspective view to a more resonable number. In one case, I preface a project that has a long list of sequential tasks with a task that is the equivalent of "start project x". I also try to cluster tasks in projects with long lists of tasks in to action groups that have a formal "define - do - close" approach. That reminds me to keep a healthy respect for the idea to achieve an outcome, not just do lots of stuff. Sometimes such action groups end up as their own projects. Finally, when I am still in doubt about the reason or outcome of a project, I put it only one task statement to the effect "decide something about this" with the context consider in an @Admin single-action project for the given folder. That keeps the task low in the list of my Next perspective, where close is at the top.

I too have tried to find ways to bring project views to my iPad as perspectives. In the meantime I realized, the iPad is better just kept as my go-to-action reference and the Mac is better as my plan-my-adventures tool. I often sit with my iPad next to me and refer to its Forecast, Active, and Next perspectives in action even as my desktop OmniFocus sits open and unused (with only a Geektools view to remind me what my perspective lists have). By comparison then I plan my tomorrow or coming week with the iPad at hand only for quick reference and the desktop in full swing to do the setups (delete, duplicate, archive ... tasks and projects).

Finally, I will note as wilsonng that even I continue to find different ways to explore the use of OmniFocus. In the end, the two biggest advances for me have been to formalize routine daily and weekly review cycles and to (use other tools to) keep closer track of my bigger picture.

Thanks for the respectful comments and hope this discussion continues to help you find a better way to move forward.