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Further, and in confirmation to some of the above here is my feature request list:

# Clones
Need to be able to create clones of items. The methodology I envisage is that for each item there may be one or more clones: each clone being a pointer to the original, so if any clone or the original is changed all are updated; if one or more clones are deleted the original and any other clones survive, if the original is deleted then all clones are deleted. Clones should be able to be visually identified as being clones by say a clone icon superimposed on their handle or by having a clone style or badge (see below).

# Multiple document windows (views)
It should be possible to have many windows open into a document so that it would be possible to have various items hoisted in their own windows.

# Find and Gather
There needs to be a new find tool, with say ⌥⌘F as the shortcut, whereby the results of the find are created as clones in a new window. This find also needs to be able to use regex and to be able to find based on named styles (at present it is not possible to find all instances of say the "Review" style without manually inspecting the whole outline). This find should be able to be run without destroying the results of any previous find by creating a new results window.

# Columns
Need to be able to set a column as hidden (not just zero width) so that when navigating across a row the cursor doesn't enter a hidden column.

Need to be able to filter the display based on column contents.

# Internal Links
Need to be able to click on and follow internal document links which should be styled as links. These links should survive HTML export.

# Collapse and Expand
Need to be able to expand and collapse the outline to each level. A ⌘-click on a row handle should expand/contract every other sibling in that view. Keyboard shortcuts ⌃⌘1 to ⌃⌘8 should expand/collapse the outline view to that level.

# Badges
It should be possible to add badges, or icons, to items to help in visually providing information as to their content or import.

Hoping for your consideration to this request