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Originally Posted by curt.clifton
Don't underestimate the power of first-mover advantage, or buzz marketing. Having triumphed over my own iPhone lust for now, I don't particularly care about the web interface either. But Omni would be remiss not to explore the possibility of attaching their cart to the iPhone horse.

But here's hoping that scriptable meta-data for OF items shows up soon!
Yeah, I hear what you're saying and this does seem like a way to steal back some thunder from one or two other GTD apps which have been in the spotlight recently but considering that by the time OF actually gets released the first wave of iPhone mania will surely have ebbed somewhat. Plus, Omni's web interface doesn't seem to be generating much iPhone related buzz other than in these forums so I'm not sure how successful they've been in hitching that cart. Who knows, maybe once early adopters get bored with Cover Flow they'll go looking for personal productivity beta programs to sign up for and this all could change.

If Omni wants us to forget about the other features and focus on testing the web interface then maybe they need to start an iPhone seeding program for us beta users. Just a suggestion.