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I've recently purchased and I'm attempting to build a sustainable hierachy of Folders/Projects/Actions.

The natural order to me would seem e.g. "Work"/"Personal" (Folders), "Legal"/"Marketing"/"Household" (Projects), "Individual tasks" (Actions)

On the surface this is good, as I would wish to be able to quickly assign tasks to each of the stated projects. On the other hand, these projects are all intended to remain there in perpetuity, i.e. Even if there are no tasks attached to "Legal" for now, I would want it to remain as there surely will be in the future - but this goes against their status as "Projects," i.e. Something to be completed. I would also not wish to "complete" one of them by accident.

If I choose the alternative route and make them each folders, then I lose the ability to assign things to them, as you can only assign to Projects and Contexts...

Is there a "best practice" here?