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ok for OO
almost same as before for OF,
error "{project id \"kZEpkel-Chd\" of document id \"juZgQoU9dg2\" of application \"OmniFocus\", {{{|id|:\"3\", tagNames:{}, textIndex:22, childIndex:0, tags:{}, parentID:\"1\", lineIndex:1, type:\"unordered\", level:0, |text|:\"todo one\", nextSiblingID:\"4\", |line|:\"- todo one\"}, {}, false}, {{|id|:\"4\", tagNames:{}, textIndex:33, childIndex:1, tags:{}, parentID:\"1\", lineIndex:2, type:\"unordered\", level:0, lastChildID:\"5\", |text|:\"todo two\", nextSiblingID:\"6\", firstChildID:\"5\", |line|:\"- todo two\", previousSiblingID:\"3\"}, {{{textIndex:44, parentID:\"4\", |id|:\"5\", lineIndex:3, level:1, childIndex:0, |text|:\"Mix in notes as you see fit.\", type:\"body\", tagNames:{}, tags:{}, |line|:\" Mix in notes as you see fit.\"}, {}, false}}, false}}} non corrisponde ai parametri {oParent, lstTree, blnSkipDone} per PlaceInOF." number -1721 partial result «handler PlaceInOF» from {«class FCpr» id "kZEpkel-Chd" of document id "juZgQoU9dg2", {{{|id|:"3", tagNames:{}, textIndex:22, childIndex:0, tags:{}, parentID:"1", lineIndex:1, type:"unordered", level:0, |text|:"todo one", nextSiblingID:"4", |line|:"- todo one"}, {}, false}, {{|id|:"4", tagNames:{}, textIndex:33, childIndex:1, tags:{}, parentID:"1", lineIndex:2, type:"unordered", level:0, lastChildID:"5", |text|:"todo two", nextSiblingID:"6", firstChildID:"5", |line|:"- todo two", previousSiblingID:"3"}, {{{textIndex:44, parentID:"4", |id|:"5", lineIndex:3, level:1, childIndex:0, |text|:"Mix in notes as you see fit.", type:"body", tagNames:{}, tags:{}, |line|:" Mix in notes as you see fit."}, {}, false}}, false}}}

actually it creates an empty item in OF...