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Since I don't use most of the default perspectives "as-is" I'm not really fond of the change, since this means that I'll end up with most of the unused built-in perspectives cluttering up my perspectives list.

Would it not be possible to start with the default names appropriately localized but not override them if the user has chosen to rename them? Likewise, a "reset built-in perspectives" option somewhere in the settings could be useful to not only revert to the default names but also the initial perspective settings. I'd also expect that users who may switch to a different language should realize that any perspectives they've manually renamed would retain those own names in the same way as their own additional custom perspectives, in much the same way as any of their other data within OF will not be magically translated.

Admittedly, it's mostly a cosmetic issue, I suppose, but I'd become quite fond of the ability to rename and redefine the built-in perspectives to something more useful rather than having to clutter things up with extra perspectives. At this point, I can still customize the settings, but I'm now forced to use the default names, which end up making little sense for some of them.

In fact, if we're going to be forced to use the default names then you might as well go all the way and lock down the built-in perspectives completely. It doesn't make a lot of sense to be able to fully customize the actual perspective settings since there would be a limited number of options that would still match the name (for example, I could change the "Projects" perspective to show a Context display, but that makes little sense if I'm still forced to call it "Projects").