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Originally Posted by dbyler View Post
The one thing I really missed from kGTD is the ability to have random lists included in the main document (books to read, etc). This was handy for several reasons, not least that it enabled you to process items very quickly to the list since it's part of your overall planning document anyway.

List implementation in OF:
  1. Create a singleton bucket for your desired category ("Books to read", "Movies to watch", etc.)
  2. Set the status of your singleton bucket to "On hold"
  3. Add items to your list
  4. When you're ready to actually do something from the list, simply move it to an active project
I'd be curious to know what other implementations people are using. Thoughts?
i tried migrating my OO lists into OF at first, but it was just a mess, so now they are back in OO. i don't actively use those lists anyway (they are mostly "things to buy someday/maybe"). i don't keep project notes or anything like that in OF either -- that's why we have a fileystem and different filetypes and various applications specially suited for manipulating those files. i don't really enjoy using OF (it's pretty good at what it does but i wouldn't say i ever look forward to interacting with it), so i don't tend to look for ways to shove more stuff into it.